Get The Glambulance!

illustrator | gd major | any pronouns | adult

commission info



You will fill out an ordering form and send me reference pictures. After that, I will get back to you via email saying whether I can accept your commission or not. We will keep in contact via email.We will go over each step together and revise as needed.The steps for standard art are as follows:

1) sketch
After the sketch is finalized, I will send an invoice for the full price.
2) lineart3) flat color4) full color5) finished product!

The steps for linless art are as follows:

1) sketch
After the sketch is finalized, I will send an invoice for the full price.
2) color3) finished product!


I have the right to post the commission wherever I'd like. I will ask before posting anywhere if you'd like credit as the commissioner. If you really don't want something posted, I'm willing to negotiate.

You don't need to credit me with every use of the commission, but it's greatly appreciated!

You can post the commission wherever you'd like, but please do not take credit for my illustrations.

You're welcome to edit the commission after it's finished, but please credit me as the original artist if you do so.

commissions open!